List Price: $79.99
Sale Price: $64.99
Today's Bonus: 19% Off

First, let me state that I (usually) love Weber products. When I was a younger and broke, one of the 'symbols of affluence' for me was to be able to afford a Weber grill. At the time, they were (for me) a high priced status symbol, i.e.: they weren't 'some piece of crap made in China that you'd have to replace in 3-5 years'.
I now own a Weber 'Genesis Silver A' gas grill (that needs to have the frame rebuilt because of rusting issues), a Weber 22.5" One Touch Silver, and a Weber 18.5" Smokey Mountain Cooker. I use them all regularly. As a welder and metal fabricator, I can now clearly see where the weaknesses are in their products.
I bought a set of these to replace my grill's original bars thinking that the stainless steel wouldn't rust; that they would last longer than the original ceramic coated ones. I was wrong.
Weber products are, usually, very well designed and made, but with them recently shifting their production overseas (read: East Asia / China) and as a result of their attempt to lower corporate costs by using low grade materials and cheap labor, their products simply don't last as long as they could / should. This makes me sad.
As a result of Weber's attempt to lower costs, they are using CRAP materials. The stainless steel that they use in their flavorizer bars is the lowest quality stainless steel available. I read in the review by 'N. Krumpe' stating that a Weber rep actually told him that a 'flavorizer bar will rust within the first year...'
Yes, they will. If they are made out of crap, cheap, low-grade stainless steel.
OK, enough ranting.
Don't waste your money.
Weber makes their stainless flavorizer bars out of the lowest grade stainless steel available and they will rust, which means you'll be replacing them again in a few years. If you have complaints and call Weber about it, you'll be told (aka: 'spin') that it's normal (yes, it is normal for crap stainless to rust under heat; but not good stainless) and that you should just be quiet about it.
Bottom Line: Don't waste your money on these.
If you need replacement parts for your Weber grill, search the internet for high grade stainless parts or search out a fabricator that will use grade 304 stainless or better and have the parts custom made.
Or, if you're really a stickler for quality and are willing to pay for it, get a Viking Outdoor Grill. Their products are 'upscale' and the quality is spectacular.
And the answer is 'no'. Not an employee, not a shareholder. Nada. Just a fan of great stuff.
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Like other reviewers, I purchased these stainless steel flavorizer bars to replace my rusted enameled bars. After two years of average use (grilling once a week or so during the summer), as I was cleaning my grill I realized that these stainless steel bars are rusty...quite rusty, on both the top and bottom.I was surprised, so I contacted Weber customer service about the rust on the stainless steel bars. They explained, and I quote:
"The flavorizer bars will rust within the first year of use. This is normal due to the amount of abuse they take protecting the burner tubes. We recommend that you replace the bars once they break or fall apart. I would suggest rotating the bars for a longer longevity."
Fine. No problem. Based on Weber's recommendation, I assume the flavorizer bars are still doing their job, even if rusty. However, I now believe I was too hasty in replacing my old bars. And, when it's time to replace the stainless steel bars, I may just replace them with the less expensive porcelain enameled bars.
Best Deals for Weber 7537 Stainless Steel Flavorizer Bars
These are not cheap, but they are very heavy and will last a long time.A little tip while replacing my old ones, I noticed that only one was really worn, the other four were in good shape; so rotating the most worn bar to a different position (before significant wear) would enable the set to last longer.
Honest reviews on Weber 7537 Stainless Steel Flavorizer Bars
Saw some of these in the local hardware store.Figured I'd see if I could find some for less online.
Just on a lark, thought I'd check Craigs List. Turned out there was a guy in the San Francisco Bay area making them out of heavier gauge stainless than these and selling for half the price. (He takes credit cards and will ship them.)
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