Monday, September 8, 2014

Review of Camco 57293 Deluxe Grilling Table

Camco 57293 Deluxe Grilling Table
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $141.88
Sale Price: $83.27
Today's Bonus: 41% Off
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Everything about this table is awesome! It really is. In addition to being very quick and easy to set-up, there are plenty of hooks for utensils and even one for paper towels. It's also spacious and lightweight--just as advertised. The problem? While the table top (see center table) may be aluminum, the side shelves are made of FIBERBOARD! It didn't take long before those shelves began warping from getting wet. Nowhere in the product description was this addressed. I was very upset! So, if you like what you see and still want to purchase it, be sure to use it when the weather is dry and give it a thorough wipe down if it gets wet. Whether home or on the road, if you don't want to deal with setting it up each and every time you want to use it, be sure to purchase a large grill cover to keep the shelves dry when not in use.

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One potential problem I was aware of from reading reviews and seeing one a friend had is the two side shelves are a laminate that can warp when wet, so I sprayed several coats of a protective marine varnish.

One problem I was not aware of was how slippery the top is. The table was jostled slightly & the grill slid off! Fortunately it wasn't in use at the time. I now have it fastened, but be careful.

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We took this to the Florida Keys for a three-night camping trip. We used it to set our portable grill on, which was this one: Cuisinart CGG-200 All-Foods 12,000-BTU Portable Outdoor Tabletop Propane Gas Grill (see uploaded photo above). The grill fit perfectly, and was at a great height to cook off of and to see what was cooking (I'm 6'1"). The table is very sturdy, and folds up nicely to fit inside a black carry case that comes with it.

As others have mentioned, the two side tables are made of a sturdy cardboard of some sort, that is covered on the top with what seems to be water resistant material. Underneath, however, it seems to be a bit exposed. I took another reviewer's suggestion and sprayed the bottom of the side tables with a water sealant to better protect it. We've had no problems with warping, but then again, luckily for us it didn't rain while we were using it. Just in case, during the nighttime I covered the entire thing with a tarp.

I really like this makes a nice kitchen area for the campsite and folds up to a reasonable size for what you get. It is not really what I would call light, but neither is it all that heavy. It is stable when set up and sets up quickly and easily.

I expect to get quite a few years use out of it; if things change I will update the review. Thanks!

Honest reviews on Camco 57293 Deluxe Grilling Table

I have bought several products made by Camco and have been satisfied. I like the style and set-up of this one. BUT the materials used are lacking. After two uses and a couple rains, the tops on both shelves bowed enough to pop out of their frames and one side delaminated. I noticed the hinge points are starting to rust. The top is is very slippery and will let my grill slide around so I had to buy some clamps to hold it down. The table is convenient and along with the carry case is easy to store. I guess more than anything I am disappointed with the quality, It doesn't compare with other products I have bought thru Amazon..

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I didn't read many reviews before I bought this, and I was disappointed to read that the side tables were prone to warping if they got wet: It seems to me that you should be able to leave this up and go to sleep at night, not worrying about whether it rains or not. That being said, it's still a great table at a great price, and the service was excellent.

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