I have always been pretty good about my smoked results but this takes the poke and re-poke temperature checks out of the equation. Especially the rare "its finally done" to cut it open and find out not quite. I hated opening the smoker to find out it is 8 degrees shy of done then close it up and calculate the heat lost just added 20 minutes to get it back to temp and cooking and another 35 minutes to finish on top of the re-poke oozing more of my precious juices while I wait. First turkey I did never opened the smoker just changed the pan until she sang true. By far the easiest way to achieve the desired temp faster without heat loss and a guarantee of perfect done and juiciest quality. One hole from the temp thermometer that stays plugged without removal doesn't allow juices to seep out like the re-poke method. When you cut 'er open and watch the juices flood in around the knife blade you have achieve a delicacy of nummy-nummers!!!!
The temp alarm is not LOUD on the remote unit but its handy being wireless and I keep it sitting within 10 feet of me or in my shirt breast pocket and haven't missed it singing sweetly to me yet. Even on an end-table watching a movie it is obvious when she sings about your meat.
No complaints about the remote range either I usually smoke in the carport about an average of 70 feet away through about 4 walls in the house and don't loose my signal. (Lost the signal a couple times while smoking turkey at a friends house and playing hide-n-seek with the kids in the full basement 80 feet away and through every wall in the house and 6" of concrete but it chirps at you and regains the signal after a moment) The signal is rated in "line of sight" I am sure but nobody expects it to work at those distances in bomb shelter walls or war bunkers do they? I lose my cell signal more often than this.
I have since found other uses for it including the more common use of BBQing which I typically only use the single unit and probe for. I do a homemade mix for a marinade on pork loin and wrap it up good and tight in tinfoil jam the temp probe through the tinfoil and it works like a charm hate overcooked dry meat and what is the point?? Juicy is tender and doesn't lose all the flavors or need to be drowned out with sauce and beer to get it down your throat. The only thing that should be slightly burned or crispied on the edges is hot-dogs and bacon and you don't need a fancy thermometer for either one of those (if you do you need more than this handy gadget to get you through a life of cooking).
The battery life no complaints I have used it over the last couple months about 8 times maybe 16hrs? thus far and only replaced the cheap included batteries. I replaced them before smoking at the friends house. I know I got a good 8 hours out of the first set guessing they will last 10 12 ?? maybe more. Still on the second set of batteries and plan to run it dead for a better idea but even every 10 hours for a couple batteries it's worth it.
Overall extremely happy and it has paid for itself in the first couple smoking projects. Easy to read digital screen easy to wipe clean I use warm water and a sponge to wipe the probes clean rubbing alcohol and a paper towel before storage and alcohol again before use.
In rainy conditions I don't tempt fate I put the outside/sending unit standing up normal after putting a Ziploc sandwich baggie upside down over it. Its clear to read through and gives my new smoker buddy a personal safety bubble..... Better safe than sorry.
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This is the second Maverick I purchased. My first one is white. I use it all year round and conditions in winter in Hamburg (Germany) can be quite rough. But this thermometer has always helped me to make good food.What does this thermometer:
Measuring the core temperature of the food
Measures the BBQ temp. The gauge is mounted with a holder to the grate
Measures the BBQ time.
Gives alarms for set food core temp.
Gives alarms for set BBQ temp.
Measures in F and C (selectable)
Provides background light of the display on the receiver unit (press button and it stays on some seconds)
Gives alarm in case of lost wireless connection (recovers automatically very reliable!)
The wires of the gauges are long enough having food inside the Weber Water smoker running the cable(s) through the door and having the sender on the nearby table. In case one gauge is damaged, a replacement can be purchased for a reasonable price.
But there is a disadvantage apart from all great working features: The measurement gauges must nut be cleaned in water. In case the gauge(s) are dropped in water let them dry in an oven and they recover.
You can use the thermometer also with one gauge connected only.
Mesurement distance: We use it on our yard with a distance of about 80 m (140 feet) over many hours during smoking sesscions. No problems even with a thick glass between.
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