Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Buy Portable Kitchen PK 99740 Cast Aluminum Grill and Smoker

Portable Kitchen PK 99740 Cast Aluminum Grill and Smoker
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $360.00
Sale Price: $301.52
Today's Bonus: 16% Off
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I purchased my Portable Kitchen Grill in 1971. The wheels eventually cracked and I have replaced a couple of the frame bolts. Wouldn't have had to do that except this grill has spent fourty winters and fourty summers directly in the elements including being dropped from the tail gate of a truck, an ice storm and two hurricanes. The grill and the grates remain in good condition after 40+ years. I eventually bought a New Braunfelds out of Texas to accommodate huge crowds but I have gone through two of them due to rust out and they cost over twice what I paid for the PK. This is a lifetime go to grill.

I am in the midst of a BIG GREEN EGG crazed neighborhood and I still produce barbecue and ribs on the PK that $1500.00 Big Green Egg fans think came off an egg. Shhhhh!, I don't tell them I just accept their compliments on my BBQ while I listen to their lore about how nothing cooks as good as an egg???

One final comment if you oil the grates after each cookout with vegetable oil the grates will last for a long time. I am an old timer who was going green when it was all about building things to last and not just something fashionable to chat about while drinking bottled water out of a plastic container that will spend the next 50 years in a land fill. Do yourself and the environment a favor and get a PK to use for a lifetime and then leave it to your grandson or granddaughter. If I could change anything I would provide ceramic coated grates, stainless steel frame bolts and solid rubber tires and for another five bucks in manufacturer's cost and make this a one hundred year product. This is a 5 star product among the serious grill and smoker crowd and a 10 star among the thrifty "waste not want not" crew. By the way, my neighbor very carefully moved his four year old ceramic 200 plus pound 1,500+ dollar egg 20 feet across his patio in its optional custom $600 rolling table and it cracked wide open right down the middle... well you know ... just like an egg! I hope he finds a depression and an anger management support group SOON!

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I bought this unit over three months ago and have used it exclusively since. I am not kidding, I have cooked on nothing else but the PK it is that good. The menu has included whole chickens, chicken breasts, chicken thighs, beef roasts, pork roasts, planked salmon, steaks, chops, brats, dogs, ribs and burgers. Everything has been perfect. Nothing else cooks like it. The genius of its design is that when it is closed (as is intended) the PK cannot support a flame. While the internal temperature remains hot enough to sear anything, meat will not burn from flare-ups. And, while the unit is closed, smoke produced from the meat itself, wood chips or chunks, and/or your choice of charcoal bathes your dish with wonderful aroma that you and your guests will truly enjoy.

The PK is virtually indestructible, sized right, and unique. It is pricey for those who expect to get a charcoal grill for nothing, especially in the age of shiney stainless gas units, but you won't find another cooker that cooks as well as the Portable Kitchen.

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I used this grill for the first time a couple of weeks ago at my girlfriends cottage. I was amazed. It was better than any charcoal grill I have ever used. It cooks very evenly and has superb temperature control. The one I used was over 40 years old!!! So you know this thing will last a long time. I just got one as a gift and I know it will be a great grill for the next few decades.

Honest reviews on Portable Kitchen PK 99740 Cast Aluminum Grill and Smoker

I finally broke down and purchased this grill because, due to limited patio space, I wanted a "do everything" charcoal grill that could also double as a smoker.

The performance is fantastic for a charcoal grill. The reviews and articles online are speaking the truth. The design is well thought out and classic. The cast body of the grill reflects most of the fire's heat back to the interior, ventilation, and temperature control are precise and easy to predict, and the charcoal can be conserved and re-used. Smoking is very easy compared to most other grills I had a Brinkmann water smoker before (the upright kettle grill) and the performance of the PK is far and away superior due to the ability to precisely control air and smoke flow.

The main problem I have with this grill is the ancient design and the lack of a few key modern conveniences. The biggest omission for day to day use is the lack of a reasonable way to clean the ashes. Basically the ashes wind up sitting in the bottom of the aluminum "bathtub" of the grill bottom. It is not designed to be cleaned, really. You can use a trowel or other hand tool to scrape the ashes out, or you can (if you carefully hold the bottom body to the frame) invert the grill and dump the ashes out. Either way you will get filthy with grease and soot. They REALLY need to augment the design with an ash catcher I would have paid $100 more if it had a good way to clean it out.

I give the PK three stars mainly for value, which is OK but not great. At this price high for such a small grill they really need to make it more user friendly.

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Used the original whigh I bought new about 1958 until the grate burned out and I found the manufacturer was no longer going. Delighted to fine it is again being manufactured have used in the interval several different grills and have no doubt this is the best, most versatile, over a period of time most economical grill on the market.

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