Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Reviews of Weber Performer Gold Charcoal Grill

Weber 1431001 Performer Gold Charcoal Grill, Black
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $319.00
Sale Price: $299.00
Today's Bonus: 6% Off
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I've had my Performer about a month now and am really enjoying it. Only a couple of gripes.

First, the green is a different shade than the pictures depict online or in pictures I've viewed. However, the color is growing on me so I'm not too disappointed.

Second complaint was the instructions. The instruction manual in the box was for a Performer that was at least 2 generations back. Pulled up the Weber website and found the correct instructions. Took my laptop computer outside to assemble the grill. The grill went together easily after that. Wear leather gloves when putting on the ash catcher!

I really enjoy the grill and look forward to using it for indirect cooking and smoking. Glad I got this model because the extras enhance the experience. The cart is much more stable than the tripod models and the worktop is very nice. My old "Silver" didn't have the ash catcher or temp gage and I love both of these features.

No regrets at this time and I recommend this model.

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Researched and researched prior to buying. Very happy I did my research as this is the best grill I have ever owned. It is holding up well and is very nice. Opted for the version without the electric start as those things never work consistently and you save $50 win win if you ask me. I did buy the Stok SIS9000 Grill Replacement 22-1/2-Inch Grate to go along with it and encourage everyone to also get the grate to go along with this grill.

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A new model of a great grill. Very nice looking. Very well built. But be careful, if you do not follow the instructions to the letter well then you can really screw things up. it does need to be put together, and following the correct order is important. Looks very good. if you have never had a Weber for my money it is the best charcoal grill on the market.

Honest reviews on Weber Performer Gold Charcoal Grill

I just love it. Easy to assemble, easy to clean, easy to use. Webber quality can't be beat. Now I just need all the toys to go with it!

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I have been a long time gas grill user and decided to try charcoal again. I was concerned about clean up, time, and ease of use. All 3 are perfectly handled by this product. It's a Weber, so I had a high expectation of quality was not disappointed. Solid construction, ease of assembly, and the ash collection/charcoal storage made this one my best summer purchases.

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