Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Best Brushtech B275C Deluxe 15-Inch Barbecue Grill Brush for Gas Grills Deals

Brushtech B275C Deluxe 15-Inch Barbecue Grill Brush for Gas Grills
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Could not get along without this brass bristle brush which is great for cleaning between the ribs of the grate. Wonderful shape. Handle length is perfect. Also have a wide Brushtech brush but I use this one more. Even with a large grill, it just takes seconds to clean the grill.

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I have a Weber Genesis with porcelain coated cast iron grill grates. I got this because it's narrow thinking it'd fit between the grates and because it's brass and Weber says to use brass on their porcelain coated cast iron grates.

It does fit between the grates pretty well. It's tapered with the front being narrower than the back. What ends up happening if you aren't careful is you push it through the grate and then it's hard to get back out. I have to hold down the grate and pull it out. It's annoying, but not that big of a deal. I don't see how the company can do better because different grates are different sizes.

I found with my grates if I didn't clean them off well and oil them after cooking, they'll rust. So that Weber porcelain coating stuff is just a bunch of marketing hoo-ha. Once I started cleaning off meat that wasn't fully charred to ash, the brush started clogging. After 3 or 4 uses, the brush was totally clogged. I tried to leave just the brush in the grill and burn it off, but it just turned to a hard glob in the bristles.

I was a pro grill cook for several years and it's common to clean the grates off really well to give those nice grill marks. With good clean, hot and oiled grates, I can make diamonds easy, and triangles/star of davids with a little more effort. In a pro setting we never used those twisted brass brushes, just straight steel ones.

It just doesn't work well for cast iron grates. I woudn't have wrote this review, if it wasn't so expensive. It's twice the price of other good quality brushes and lasts as long as the cheapest brush I could find... $4 plastic one I got at Lowes.

Best Deals for Brushtech B275C Deluxe 15-Inch Barbecue Grill Brush for Gas Grills

I could not find any brushes I liked locally, so I took the chance and ordered this one and a larger one both from brushtech. They are both good brushes and well sized. They are black handles instead of white, which is better in my opinion for a grill application.

Honest reviews on Brushtech B275C Deluxe 15-Inch Barbecue Grill Brush for Gas Grills

Does the job on the coleman cast iron grates. It works pretty well on removing the gunk from between the grates!

I've come to realize that I actually prefer the wider brushes shaped like a fat bar of soap when cleaning the grates, so I am off in search of one with brass bristles. I'll use this brushtech to get the stuff in between and another to scrub the surface areas. Overall, good brass brush (considering it's getting tougher to find brass everything seems to come stainless steel)

BTW the wooden handle on the one that arrived was black not white like the one in the pictures... The black looks better as the white handle makes it look like a toilet bowl brush!

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I could not find a brass brush thin enough to get the bits and pieces between the grates in my gas grill. I bought this last week and did a full cleaning of my Weber this past weekend. The brush did its job in that it helped me clean in between the grates. Now after bbq'ing, I know I can just use my standard brass brush to get the burned food on the top of the grates and then simply use the thin brash brush to get the burned pieces between the grates. Overall, pretty basic but serves its purpose!

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