List Price: $54.99
Sale Price: $41.77
Today's Bonus: 24% Off

To date, this is the best flavor pellets I have used in my Traeger smoker. The pellets are 100% hickory and have a noticeably deeper flavor of smoke than the other brands I have used (which are usually 70-80% oak and 20-30% hickory). I have also used them for cold smoking with an AMNPS with great results. The amount of ash was very low with these pellets and I did not notice any appreciable difference in the amount of pellets consumed for a given length of smoke compared to mixed wood pellets.
The price with prime shipping is competitive with local store and other sites. I have not noticed an excessive amount of dust in the bags from rough handling but several boxes arrived badly damaged. The pellets were fine and the bags were intact but one box was barely a box they taped the bag to the box to keep it from falling completely out.
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Very good pellets found them to be clean solid burning tasty on all my smoking love using my pellet grill / smoker.Best Deals for Lumber Jack 100-Percent Hickory Wood BBQ Grilling Pellets, 40-Pound
First batch I used my AMaze-N-Pellet Smoker with a half load of pellets and I got some serious, (almost too serious) smoke flavor. In fact the wife didn't like them, and that was only about two hours of smoke on a set of St. Louis ribs.Next time, I'll only fill the pellet smoker tray half way to the top, and that should be enough. But at that rate, this will be a 10-year supply of pellets!
Honest reviews on Lumber Jack 100-Percent Hickory Wood BBQ Grilling Pellets, 40-Pound
Lumberjack pellets are 100% hardwood, 100% of the flavor they say they are. I bought (5) different flavors of Lumberjack 40# pellets. I couldn't find a cheaper pellet that contains no oils or binders. This is 100% hard wood. You would think that would only mean that the wood contained in the pellet is all hardwood, and that there is something holding it together. Wrong. There is no binding agent (glue/adhesive)used. It is all compression and drying that holds these things together. Also, other pellets claim a flavor like hickory or apple, but that flavor is usually a small percentage of the total. For example, apple pellets or chips from someone else may only be 30% apple and the other 70% oak.If I could have found more people to split the pellets with, I would have ordered a pallet (40 x 40#'s) from Lumberjack. It would have dropped the price per pound to about 1/4 of what it currently is here on Amazon.
I use these in my AMNPS (http://www.amazon.com/A-maze-n-Pellet-Smoker/dp/B007ROPJ1M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1379710664&sr=8-1&keywords=amazen+pellet+smoker). With this I can add smoke to anything I want. Most notably butter, cheese, and salt. I don't know how Amazon feels about linking to outside retailers, but you can buy the smoker tray directly from Todd (creator) on his website. Just google Amazen Pellet Smoker.
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