List Price: $15.99
Sale Price: $11.15
Today's Bonus: 30% Off

Makes perfect slider burgers. With the burger press, the burger is the same thickness from the edges to the center, so they grill up nicely. Trying to make a burger this size by hand is difficult; they end up thick in the middle and thin around the edges, so after grilling, you end up with a small ball.
Surprisingly, the press was quicker than trying to do by hand. And with just a little bit of cooking spray on the press, the burgers slide right off.
Did I have to have it no. Am I glad I bought absolutely yes.It doesn't work. Period. Save your money for the hamburger. It's much easier to shape the burgers and make them a uniform size than with this cockamamie tool. It's even more stupid than the idiotic "steamer" grill cleaning tool I bought that simply squirts water on the hot grill while old-fashioned elbow grease does the hard work. The only good thing: all the laughs I get from friends who cannot believe I got sucked into buying these gizmos or that I'm actually too cheap and lazy to return them.
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